The Final Fantasy 7 Remake … 431 votes, 136 comments. They’ve said that they started working on it way before they released the first part and expect production to be way faster this time around.Portal opens up and Ardyn arrives wanting to merge the starscourge with JenovaAlso I think the new software they’re using to produce it (can’t remember what it’s called) is going to speed things up significantly.That said, if the plot in any way starts to resemble the fuckery that Kingdom Hearts 3 was I'll be severely disappointed.Not gonna lie the hype has kinda died down I platinumed the game in a month and now I gotta wait another 6-10 year for a finished product, I’ll still buy play and love it but with such big gaps in between I somewhat feel robbed of the full experience.That’s would be pretty good plot twist actually.Mickey says, "Cloud, we need your help."Aerith is merely the embodiment of a memory of Cloud's dream.I don’t know what I hate more about this...the Kingdom Hearts or the fact I have to wait until 2023 for the second part of the remakeThe ending is already KH fuckeryYou're on the last scene and just killed the last boss, game goes to seemless cutscene, a portal opens, out Walks Sora, Zack, and Mickey mouse.It feels weird that 2023 is only 3 years awaySephiroth is the manifestation the darkness created to balance the light from Cloud and Aerith's hearts.Cloud is just a dream of the planet.Meteor is what happens when Barret eats Mexican."NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN"Just what we need, another Xehanort.3 years sounds about right, maybe even more lolPROCEEDS TO THROW PS5 OUT THE WINDOWSo Sephiroth was actually the REAL xehanort all this time!
Possibly the first footage of Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 or a teaser for Final Fantasy 16? FINAL FANTASY 7 Remake Part 2 is one of the most anticipated JRPGs around, and an alleged leak could have dropped some good - and bad - news for Square Enix fans. The first whispers of FF7R began in the early noughts when a PS2 remake of the iconic PS1 game was mooted.But could the August reveal be Final Fantasy related? Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a re-imagining of classic '90s JRPG Final Fantasy 7.
Yuffie is a favorite among fans of FF7, yet her inclusion in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake would likely lead to her getting changed. I think the first part was plenty enough to warrant being standalone and am glad to have more to look forward too in the coming years.End of 2021 at the very latest, quote me.You're playing FFVII remake Pt.2If they announce they're switching to UE5, add another 2 years.Oh, I thoroughly enjoyed how it ended and souped for the future of the game, just domt fuck it up - FFR7 EndingYou rather have already been done and over with it all? The first game of the Remake series included some iconic weapons – the Buster Sword, Hard Edge and more besides – but there are still some iconic weapons yet to arrive in the Remake world. The Final Fantasy 7 Remake was one of the biggest games of the year, and has been something fans have been calling for for almost two decades. • Faux Hollows - The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Unreal)• A Realm Reborn Area ImprovementsWe already saw Project Athia get announced at the PS5 June event but it looks the Japanese gaming giant could have more announcements up their sleeve.And finally Square Enix fans may be left hoping for a big announcement on Final Fantasy 16 soon.• Beast Tribe Quests - DwarvesSquare Enix and Sony have a track record of partnering to make new game announcements so it wouldn't be a surprise to see some kind of news at the next PS5 event.• Chronicles of a New Era - The Sorrow of WerlytEarlier this year rumours had emerged that FF16 could get announced this summer at a major gaming event.And it looks like we've got one of those fast approaching, with the next PS5 event rumoured to be taking place on Thursday August 6.Final Fantasy 14 update 5.3 - which has been dubbed Reflections in Crystal - will be launching on Tuesday August 11.The Shinjuku-based dev and publisher in a recent shareholder's meeting said they had new games to announce in July and August.Producer Yoshinori Kitase confirmed at E3 last year that planning on the project had already begun. THE YEAR IS 2023 You're playing FFVII remake Pt.2 You're on the last scene and just killed the last boss, game goes to …
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